


  • 职称/职务:教授 博导 吴玉章学者
  • 研究领域: 城市经济、空间计量
  • E-mail:yihua.yu@ruc.edu.cn


2003年-2008年  美国俄克拉荷马州立大学  经济学博士

2001年-2002年  美国密苏里大学堪萨斯校区  经济学硕士

1995年-1999年  南昌大学  工业外贸工学学士


2019.9 - 至今       vic67维多利亚3308区域与城市经济研究所教授

2019.3 - 2019.9   vic67维多利亚3308区域与城市经济研究所副教授

2011.9 - 2019.3   vic67维多利亚3308经济学院能源经济系副教授

2009.9 - 2011.9   vic67维多利亚3308经济学院讲师



2019 vic67维多利亚3308优秀班主任

2017 vic67维多利亚3308教育教学成果奖校级二等奖

2017 vic67维多利亚3308杰出学者青年学者A

2016 空间分析专业委员会副秘书长

2015 国家能源局软科学研究优秀成果二等奖

2014 美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM)二等奖获奖学生指导老师

2014- 中国区域科学协会(RSAC)理事

2013 vic67维多利亚3308明德学者

2010 vic67维多利亚3308优秀班主任

2009 教育部新世纪优秀人才



特邀主编:Emerging Markets Finance and TradeSSCI期刊)

期刊编委:Growth and Change (SSCI期刊)Emerging Markets Finance and TradeSSCI期刊)

匿名审稿:Regional StudiesAnnals of Regional SciencePapers in Regional ScienceGrowth and ChangeEmerging Markets Finance and TradeChina Economic ReviewEconomic ModellingEnergy Policy《经济研究》、《中国工业经济》


2015—2017 国家社科基金一般项目:《空间计量经济学视角下的开发区过度建设成因与地方间政府策略互动机制研究》

2009—2013 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”项目:《居民、企业区位选择与地方财政政策研究》

2013—2015 vic67维多利亚3308“明德青年学者计划”项目:《推动能源生产和消费革命的路径与对策研究》

2011—         vic67维多利亚3308重大基础研究计划项目:《包容性增长中的能源及自然资源战略研究》


[27] Zhao, Yong, Da Yin, Lili Wang, and Yihua Yu* (2024) The rise of artificial intelligence, the fall of human wellbeing? International Journal of Social Welfare. 33(1): 75105

[26] 张皓、虞义华*城市科技创新与空气污染:影响效应、异质性与机制》,《经济理论与经济管理》2023年第12

[25] Hua, Zesu  and Yihua Yu* (2023) Digital transformation and the impact of local tournament incentives: Evidence from publicly listed companies in ChinaFinance Research Letters 57. 104204

[24] Zhao, Qifeng, Qianfeng Luo, Xiaofeng Zhao, and Yihua Yu* (2023) Corporate key labs:  Breakthrough or white elephant? China Economic Review  79. 101954

[23] Yu, Yihua, Jian Cui, Chuwen Huang, and Hanfang Yang* (2023) Allies or rivals? Spatial price competition in the Chinese retail gasoline market of Inner Mongolia. Spatial Economic Analysis 18(2): 197–215

[22] Liu, Dechun, Xinye Zheng, and Yihua Yu* (2022) Public debt competition in local China: Evidence and mechanisms of spatial interactions. Regional Science Policy and Practice. 14(S2): 91–105

[21] Song, Feng, Jian Cui, and Yihua Yu* (2022) Dynamic volatility spillover effects between wind and solar power generations: Implications for hedging strategies and a sustainable power sector. Economic Modelling 116. 106036

[20] Wang, Jing, Dan Rickman, and Yihua Yu* (2022) Dynamics between global value chain participation, CO2 emissions, and economic growth: Evidence from a panel vector autoregression model. Energy Economics 109. 105965

[19] Xia, Xue, Yihua Yu*, and Yuhan Zou (2022) Air pollution, social engagement and subjective well-being: Evidence from the Gallup World Poll. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 52033–52056

[18] Zhao, Qifeng, Zhen Li, and Yihua Yu* (2021) Does top management quality promote innovation? Firm-level evidence from China. China Economic Review 65. 101562

[17] 虞义华、赵奇锋、鞠晓生:《发明家高管与企业创新》,《中国工业经济》2018年第3

[16] Yu, Yihua* (2017) Empirical spatial econometrics: Applications to China’s economy. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 53(9): 1939–1942

[15] Yu, Yihua, Xinye Zheng, and Li Zhang* (2017) Yardstick competition and the formation of enterprise zones in China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 53(9): 1961–1972


[13] 虞义华、邓慧慧:《基于空间Probit模型的农村家庭低碳产品购买决策研究》,《求索》2017年第12

[12] Yu, Yihua*, Jing Wang, and Xi Tian (2016) Identifying the flypaper effect in the presence of spatial dependence: Evidence from education in China’s cities. Growth and Change 47(1): 93–110

[11] 虞义华:《空间计量经济学理论及其在中国的实践应用》,2015,经济科学出版社

[10] Zheng, Xinye, Feng Song, Yihua Yu*, and Shunfeng Song (2015) In search of fiscal interactions: A spatial analysis of Chinese provincial infrastructure spending. Review of Development Economics 19(4): 860–876

[9] Yu, Yihua, Yonghui Zang*, and Feng Song (2015) World energy intensity convergence revisited: A cluster analysis. Applied Economics Letters 22(4): 1158–1169

[8] Zheng, Xinye, Jing Wang, Xilu Li, and Yihua Yu* (2015) On the supply of China’s healthcare resources in a decentralized healthcare system. Social Science Journal 52(4): 449–458

[7] Zheng, Xinye, Yihua Yu*, Jing Wang, and Huihui Deng (2014) Identifying the determinants and spatial nexus of provincial carbon intensity in China: A dynamic spatial panel approach. Regional Environmental Change 14(4): 1651–1661

[6] Zheng, Xinye, Fanghua Li, Shunfeng Song, and Yihua Yu* (2013) Central government’s infrastructure investment across Chinese regions: A dynamic spatial panel data approach. China Economic Review 27(1): 25–36

[5] Yu, Yihua*, and Dan Rickman (2013) U.S. state and local fiscal policies and nonmetropolitan area economic performance: A spatial equilibrium analysis. Papers in Regional Science 92(3): 579–597

[4] Yu, Yihua, Li Zhang, Fanghua Li, and Xinye Zheng* (2013) Strategic interaction and the determinants of public health expenditures in China: A spatial panel perspective. Annals of Regional Science 50(1): 203–221

[3] 鞠晓生、卢狄、虞义华:《融资约束、营运资本管理与企业创新可持续性,《经济研究》2013年第1

[2] 邓慧慧、虞义华、龚铭:《空间溢出视角下的财政分权、公共服务与住宅价格》,《财经研究》2013年第4

[1] Yu, Yihua, Li Zhang, Fanghua Li, and Xinye Zheng* (2011) On the determinants of public infrastructure spending in Chinese cities: A spatial econometric perspective. Social Science Journal 48(3): 458–467