Sustainable Development Goals (2020)Program

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Meeting time: November 21th -- November 22th

Meeting place: Virtual Conference

Sponsor: School of Applied Economics, Renmin University of China

The National Academy of Development and Strategy, Renmin University of China


Saturday, November 21 (8:15 am12:00 am, Beijing time)

8:15 8:30 am Welcome and Introduction

Xinkai ZHU, Vice President of Renmin University of China

8:30 9:30 am Keynote Speech

n Title: Intergenerational Networks, Unemployment, and Persistent Inequality

Speaker: Jeremy MAGRUDER (University of California at Berkeley)

9:30 12:00 am Session 1

n Title: “Where does Asia and the Pacific stand in the achievement of the 17 SDGs?”

Speaker: Van NGUVENESCAP United Nations

n Title: “The Targeted Poverty Alleviate Program in China – Policies and Data”

Speaker: Lunyu XIERenmin University of China

n Title: “Parental Investment, School Quality, and the Persistent Benefits of Intervention in Early Childhood”

Speaker: Sean SYLVIA (University of North Carolina)

n Title: “Labor Rationing”

Speaker: Yogita SHAMDASANI (National University of Singapore)

n Title: “100% Renewable Energy Supply: A Qinghai Case Study”

Speaker: Feng SONG (Renmin University of China)

Sunday, November 22 (8:30 am12:00 am, Beijing time)

8:30 9:30 am Keynote Speech

n Title: “Evaluating the Long-term Impacts of Family and Neighborhood Poverty on Boys and Girls in China”

Speaker: Albert PARK (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

9:30 12:00 am Session 2

n Title: “Redistribution of Globalization Dividend: Experience from China”

Speaker: Chen LIN (Renmin University of China)

n Title: “Direct and Indirect of Financial Access on SMEs”

Speaker: Jing CAI (University of Maryland)

n Title: “Microfinance Can Raise Incomes: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in China”

Speaker: Shu CAI (Jinan University)

n Title: “The Environmental and Economic Consequences of Internalizing Border Spillovers”

Speaker: Shaoda WANG (The University of Chicago)

n Title: “Air Pollution and COVID-19 Transmission: Evidence from China”

Speaker: Guojun HE (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Introduction of Speakers

List by the first letter of the last name

Jing CAI is Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Maryland. She is a Research Fellow at NBER, an affiliate of the Bureau for BREAD, and an affiliated professor of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). She currently serves as the associate editor of the Journal of Development Economics and the Economic Development and Cultural Change. Her research areas are development economics, Chinese economy, and household finance. Her current research examines growth of micro-enterprises and SMEs, diffusion and impacts of financial innovations in developing countries, and impacts of tax incentives on firm behavior.

Shu CAI is Associate Professor at IESR, Jinan University. He received his BS and MA from Peking University, and PhD in economics from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research focuses on Development Economics, Labor Economics, and Applied Microeconomics. He has published in Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, China Economic Review and Oxford Economic Papers.


Guojun HE is Assistant professor in the Division of Social Science, Division of Environment & Sustainability, and Department of Economics at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He is a faculty affiliate of HKUST's Institute for Emerging Market Studies and Institute for Public Policy. He holds a concurrent appointment at the Energy Policy Institute of the University of Chicago (EPIC) and serves as the research director of EPIC-China.

Chen LIN is Professor of School of Applied Economics,

Renmin University of China. Dr. Lin obtained his PhD from Waseda University, Japan. His research focuses on industrial economics and input-output economics.

Jeremy MAGRUDER is Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley, where he has worked since completing his Ph.D. in Economics at Yale University in 2007.  His research focuses on improving productivity in developing countries, with interests in social networks, agriculture, and labor markets.  He publishes in the American Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, AEJ: Applied Economics, the Economic Journal, and more.

Albert PARK is Head and Chair Professor of Economics, Chair Professor of Social Science, and Professor of Public Policy at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is a development and labor Economist who is an expert on China’s economic development. In recent years he has published articles in leading economics journals on firm performance, poverty and inequality, migration and employment, health and education, and the economics of aging in China.

Feng SONG is Associate Professor at Renmin University of China. Her research focuses on China’s energy economics and current research topics include energy efficiency, renewable energy development and power sector reform of China. Before she joined Renmin University, she graduated from Michigan State University with a Ph.D in Environmental and Resource Economics. She has published papers in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Applied Energy, Energy Economics and Energy Policy.

Sean SYLVIA is Assistant Professor at Department of Health Policy and Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He focusses on education economics and health economics. He publishes in Journal of Labor Economics, The Economic Journal, Economic Development and Cultural Change, and more.

Yogita SHAMDASANI is Assistant Professor of Economics at National University of Singapore. She received her BA from Cornell University and PhD in economics from Columbia University. Yogita was an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh from 2017 to 2020. Her research focuses on Development Economics and Labor Economics. Her recent publication in the Quarterly Journal of Economics investigates the impact of relative pay on labor productivity in a month-long experiment with manufacturing workers in India.

Van Thanh NGUYEN works in the capacity of the Sustainable Development Officer of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP). She provides support to cross ESCAP initiatives and projects for the implementation, follow up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. She also provides direct support to the senior management of UN ESCAP on its contribution to the implementation of the UN Development system reform. Prior to this, Ms. Nguyen worked at the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) overseeing the portfolio of promoting indigenous rights and knowledge, cultural industry development, youth development and disability inclusive development.

Shaoda WANG is a postdoctoral scholar at the Department of Economics, University of Chicago. In 2021, he will be joining the Harris School of Public Policy as an assistant professor. He is an applied economist with research interests in development economics, environmental economics, and political economy. Prior to Chicago, he got his B.A. from Peking University in 2014, and his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in 2019.

Lunyu XIE is Associate Professor at School of Applied Economics, Renmin University. Her research areas are in Development Economics, Environmental Economics, and Energy Economics, ranging from industry migration and air quality, electricity market reform and climate change, household energy consumption survey and research, and green development in less developed areas, etc. She publishes on Energy Economics, China Economic Review, Environmental and Resource Economics, and more.

Instructions for All Participants

- This conference is held in Zoom

- Conference Link:

- Conference ID: 863 3568 7446

Password: 20201121

- It is highly recommended that all participants download and familiarize themselves with the Zoom application in advance. The Zoom app is available for download at and can be used on Mac, PC, or smartphone device.

- For the best user experience, we recommend using Zoom on your laptop or desktop computer and check that your Zoom software is up-to-date.

- For the convenience of communication, we recommend uploading a profile picture of yourself to your Zoom account and setting the user name as your real name plus institutions. See instructions here.

- Tips for speakers:

- We suggest testing ahead of time to ensure that the video and audio of the device work properly.

- During your speech, remember to turn on video and audio of the device.

- You can use Share Screen to display your presentation slides. See instructions here.

- How to ask a question

- During Q&A, you can ask question after turning on your camera and audio.

- Session moderators will be labelled as “Moderator” in the meeting. If you have any troubleshooting or technical questions, please commutate with the session moderators using Chat window (see below).

- If you’re new to Zoom, here are a few helpful how-to videos for getting started:

- How to join a Zoom meeting

- How to use Zoom meeting controls

- Other Zoom features and tips

- Contact Information of Conference Affairs Group

- - 杨青林 (Yang ,Qinglin):

- - 吴茜 (Wu ,Xi):

- - 崔新甜 (Cui ,Xintian):